Self-driven developer with a focus on devOps practices and building
web applications.
web application
About me
I leverage JavaScript and React for the front end and Golang for back-end systems. I'm always learning, enjoy collaborating, and passionate about technology and its use to solve problems.
Enthusiastic about devOps & Cloud Engineering , CI/CD automation, and AWS technologies , I thrive in perpetual learning.
What i work with
Some of my thoughts
AWS for newcomers: Essential Services to know. How to deploy a static website / app in AWS. Jenkins DevOps: EC2 Automated Builds and Docker Deployments Automating Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform (AWS) AWS EC2 Instance Setup and Secure CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins GitHub Issues Tracker with Go, React, and Docker Building Your First CRUD App in Go: A Hands-On Tutorial React Ecosystem in 2023 - Brief overview Demystifying React useContext Hook